Systems For Creatives | Time Management, Productivity, Time Blocking, Routines, Work-Life Balance

Do you feel like you’re constantly juggling a never-ending to-do list, trying to keep your home and business running smoothly? Are you overwhelmed by the chaos of household chores, struggling to keep clutter at bay despite your best efforts? Are you feeling guilty about missing out on quality family time because work and home demands are pulling you in every direction? Are you yearning for a sense of fulfillment and joy in your daily routines, wishing you could find balance and peace? Welcome to the Systems For Creatives Podcast, where I’m dedicated to helping busy work-from-home moms like myself reclaim their time, reduce overwhelm, and find joy in serving their families and thriving in their businesses. My mission is to provide practical strategies and systems to streamline your workflows, manage your household tasks, create a peaceful home environment, and prioritize meaningful experiences with loved ones—all while growing a successful business. If you’re ready to transform your habits and routines, overcome the challenges of balancing work and family life, and find fulfillment in your dual roles, you’re in the right place. Hey there, I’m Jamie! Fellow boy mom, Jesus lover, homemaker, and small-business owner on a mission to help work-from-home moms like myself navigate the challenges of modern homemaking and entrepreneurship. But through trial and error, I’ve discovered practical solutions that work, and I’m here to share them with you. Together, let’s reclaim our time, reduce stress, and bring back the joy in homemaking and creative business! Get ready to break free from the cycle of overwhelm, learn simple time management systems for creative work-from-home moms, declutter your home, and focus on what truly matters. Join me in transforming our work and home routines, and embracing the joy of a well-balanced life. So schedule in your project time block, grab your seasonal beverage, cozy up in your favorite spot, and let’s dive in!

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Friday Jul 19, 2024

Hi friends, listen in to part 2 of the replay from this week's LIVE workshop and learn how to set goals to achieve more, by doing less as a creative entrepreneur.
If you missed Part 1, you learned my back story, the 7 steps to achieve more by doing less, set your goals for your home and business to create your goal-aligned schedule, learned the basics of the 6-block time blocking system to manage your time as a mom and entrepreneur.
You're now equipped with how to think differently when it comes to focusing on your habits that will form the path to your BIG goals, and it's now time to break your one big goal down into projects and CEO-Tasks.
Watch the full limited replay video + grab your workbook:
Ready to take the NEXT step?
Join The Perfect Week (BETA) as a Founding Member:
In this episode (Part 2) you'll learn:
- How to get it all done with a system.
- 2 questions your system needs to answer.
- What are CEO-Tasks for your home and business.
- The 4 steps to breaking down your BIG goal.
- How to create your Commitment Statement and it's importance in each of your projects.
- How YOU can become a Founding Member of the Perfect Week BETA course.
- Q&A
In Part 1 you learned:
- My backstory and how I got started with time-blocking for my home and business.
- What changes I made to manage my time and an entrepreneur.
- The 7 Steps to Achieve More, by Doing Less.
- What habits you need to reach your goals and how to create them.
- How to set goals and create your goal aligned schedule.
- How to time-block for your goals and make progress in your business.
Don't miss Part 2 of the workshop, where we'll take all we learned in Part 1, and break down our BIG goal, so we can make sustainable progress in our homes and businesses and look at how we spend our time to create a life based on our core values.
I pray this episode blesses you in some way –and I'm rooting for you!
Jamie, xo.
Want your question answered on the show?
Send me a voice-message:
Goal Setting For Your Perfect, Repeatable Week - So You Can Achieve MORE, by Doing Less. Watch the full limited replay video + grab your workbook:
Join the Productivity for Creatives FREE FB Community:
Connect with me on IG: @ProductivityForCreatives

Friday Jul 19, 2024

Hi friends, listen in to the replay from this week's LIVE workshop and learn how to set goals to achieve more, by doing less as a creative entrepreneur.
Watch the full limited replay video + grab your workbook:
Ready to take the NEXT step?
Join The Perfect Week (BETA) as a Founding Member:
In this episode (Part 1) you'll learn:
- My backstory and how I got started with time-blocking for my home and business.
- What changes I made to manage my time and an entrepreneur.
- The 7 Steps to Achieve More, by Doing Less.
- What habits you need to reach your goals and how to create them.
- How to set goals and create your goal aligned schedule.
- How to time-block for your goals and make progress in your business.
Don't miss Part 2 of the workshop, where we'll take all we learned in Part 1, and break down our BIG goal, so we can make sustainable progress in our homes and businesses and look at how we spend our time to create a life based on our core values.
In Part 2 of the workshop you'll learn:
- How to get it all done with a system.
- 2 questions your system needs to answer.
- What are CEO-Tasks for your home and business.
- The 4 steps to breaking down your BIG goal.
- How to create your Commitment Statement and it's importance in each of your projects.
- How YOU can become a Founding Member of the Perfect Week BETA course.
- Q&A
I pray this episode blesses you in some way –and I'm rooting for you!
Jamie, xo.
Want your question answered on the show?
Send me a voice-message:
Goal Setting For Your Perfect, Repeatable Week - So You Can Achieve MORE, by Doing Less. Watch the full limited replay video + grab your workbook:
Join the Productivity for Creatives FREE FB Community:
Connect with me on IG: @ProductivityForCreatives

Monday Jul 15, 2024

Hey there, friend!
Are you struggling to grow your business without sacrificing your family? Are you drowning in a never-ending to-do list? Feeling like you're always behind, no matter how much you do? Today we're tackling how you can regain control of your day.
If you're a creative entrepreneur trying to balance your business and home life but feel overwhelmed and stuck, this episode is for you. 
What You'll Learn:
Why You’re Feeling Overwhelmed:
I'll talk about why your to-do list isn't helping and how it’s actually adding to your stress.
Common Mistakes You May Be Making:
I'll share the biggest mistakes you’re making when trying to get organized.
Three Simple Steps to Regain Control:
I'll walk you through three actionable steps to help you prioritize and organize your tasks, so you can feel more in control and less overwhelmed.
You deserve to feel productive and accomplished without the constant stress. This episode will give you practical tips to streamline your tasks and find that balance between your business and home life.
I pray this episode blesses you in some way –and I'm rooting for you!
Jamie, xo.
Goal Setting For Your Perfect Week - JULY 17th
So You Can Achieve MORE, by Doing Less. Sign Up Now:
Join the Productivity for Creatives FREE FB Community:
Connect with me on IG: @ProductivityForCreatives

Tuesday Jul 09, 2024

Are you struggling to manage your time? Do you crave work-life balance, or just a more structured routine? Trying to build a biz with littles from home?
In today's episode I'm sharing all about managing your time as a mom and entrepreneur trying to grow a business form home.
I did a recent LIVE training in our Free Facebook Community all about Time Blocking, Workflows and CEO Tasks for to Grow Your Business and Organize Your Time as a Mom and Entrepreneur.
Praying this episode blessed you in some way,
Jamie, xo.
Goal Setting For Your Perfect Week - JULY 17th.
So You Can Achieve MORE, by Doing Less.Sign Up Now:
Join the Productivity for Creatives FREE FB Community:
Connect with me on IG: @ProductivityForCreatives

Friday Jul 05, 2024

Do you feel you have too much to do in a day? Feeling constantly behind in your schedule?
Is your to-do list making you overwhelmed, with no real prioritization? Do you struggle to know what the right next task to tackle in your home + biz, and end up spending more time thinking of all the things that need to be done, leaving you frustrated and stressed?
If you feel constantly behind, the biggest mistake you may be making is not goal setting. Not goal setting and not knowing exactly where you’re going, means you can’t identify exactly where you are.
You’ll keep doing the same things over and over and not making any real progress. You’ll feel stuck and unfulfilled, stressed and exhausted, and you’re much more likely to give up.
In today's episode I'm sharing 3 steps to Stop feeling behind in your business tasks as a creative entrepreneur.
I'm sharing why you're NOT behind (and how you can stop that feeling once and for all!), by starting with the end in mind and working backwards.
Tune in to learn what has to come first, and if you’re still stuck doing something, how it may simply not be finished.
Learn how to ensure what you’re spending your time doing is actually the next right thing by following your goals and outlining your projects.
BONUS! I wasn't going to share this, but you're getting a SNEAK-PEAK of my brand new upcoming Beta course!!
To give you an example I spoke off-the-cuff about my current BIG goal to create my evergreen course and focus for my projects and tasks, and how they're broken down in a timeline. This is a high-level view, for sure.
Hope you enjoy and I pray this episode blesses you!
Jamie, xo.
DON'T MISS THE LIVE WORKSHOP!!Goal Setting For Your Perfect Week - JULY 17th.
So You Can Achieve MORE, by Doing Less.Sign Up Now:
Join the Productivity for Creatives FREE FB Community:
Connect with me on IG: @ProductivityForCreatives

Friday Jun 28, 2024

Too Busy to Shut-Off and Feeling Exhausted? Feeling frustrated, stressed on on a slippery slope heading toward burnout? Do you crave work-life balance and searching for some simple time management strategies?
I know you want to show up with energy, life and excitement in all that you do - So please listen in on today's episode before you get sucked into burning your candle at both ends...
In today's episode I want to share my top 3 Strategies to show up as your BEST self in Home and Business. 
As mom's we wear many hats, and as creative entrepreneurs we discover we have even more hats we never new existed. 
So let's implement these three strategies so we can sustainably keep showing up and keep making progress, for those we serve and our family first, and in our biz!
I pray this episode blesses you!
Jamie, xo.
NEXT LIVE WORKSHOP: Goal Setting For Your Perfect WeekSign Up Now:
Join the Productivity for Creatives FREE FB Community:
Connect with me on IG: @ProductivityForCreatives

Wednesday Jun 26, 2024

Trying to Do It ALL and get nothing done? Constantly spinning your wheels with a long to-do list, but feel stuck? Not making progress on your goals and the weeks keep flying by?
We've spoken a lot about productivity, goal setting, time blocking and projects in your time management systems on the Systems for Creatives podcast lately, but ...
Let's talk about Why Doing MORE Doesn't Make You Productive (and what it does instead!) - but let me give you the ONE Task You Should Focus On so you can achieve more, by doing less as a creative entrepreneur, small-business owner and mama wearing all the hats!
I pray this episode blesses you!
Jamie, xo.
NEXT LIVE WORKSHOP: Goal Setting For Your Perfect WeekSign Up Now:
Join the Productivity for Creatives FREE FB Community:
Connect with me on IG: @ProductivityForCreatives

Tuesday Jun 18, 2024

Got dreams that started of strong, just to be spinning your wheels down the line with no time to make real progress on your goals?
In this week's episode, let's talk about making time in your week for your goals in home and business!
As creatives, moms and small business owners - we're not short on dreams and goals. Although we CAN have the best intentions when goal setting, the actual execution of our goals could often be better planned out.
But what is the first step in executing on our perfectly productive week? Having set our goals, prioritizing our tasks and building a productive week where we have more time for the tasks that truly move the needle forward.
More time for what we need to do can also be achieved by identifying our biggest time management struggle and fixing that in our schedule.
In future episodes, we'll talk in detail about time-blocking our tasks and project breakdowns for our goals - so you're going to want to ensure you're following the show!
Here's to creating the time to do the next right thing!
I pray this episode blesses you!
Jamie, xo.
Let’s figure out what’s NOT working in your schedule so you can have MORE TIME to do the things you love!!
Book Your 1-1 Time-Management Coaching (60 min):
Got a question? Leave a message for Jamie and the show on SpeakPipe:
Join the FREE Facebook Community:
Become an Insider & receive my weekly newsletter:
Listen to these episodes next:
19 | LIVE COACHING CALL // How to Stop Distractions in Your Work Block and Build Your Coaching Business with Melissa De La Cruz
15 | The #1 Reason You're FAILING at Time Management
14 - Toddler DROPPED Their Nap? 5 Ways to STILL Get Work Done So You Can GROW Your Business as a WFHM
11 - Laundry and Dishes Piling Up? You NEED This 15-Minute Home Management Routine
07 - Learn #1 Way to Organize Your Time and Stop The Overwhelm With This Time Management Method
13 - How to Save 15 Minutes in Your Work Block! Get Your Daily, Weekly and Monthly Tasks Done Without Stress

Monday Jun 10, 2024

Happy Monday! Have you tried every decluttering method out there, and struggling to be consistent of keep momentum when simplifying your home?
Or are your currently googling 'best way to declutter your home' and wondering how to get to your end goal?
Motivation can get us started, but it's the time we devote to any project that gets us the desired outcome - like hey, we finally decluttered 80% of our whole house and home this year - and I'm sharing the 2 strategies that actually work in today's episode!
Let's talk about how to actually have the time to declutter.
No matter how busy you are, I talk about building decluttering into your daily routine - but also my recommendation (that made big impact on our progress and simplifying journey!)  to schedule decluttering sessions in your project blocks.
As always, I don't leave you without some serious tips, actions, personal insights and new way you can think of your time, week and schedule differently.
Here's to creating the time to do the right next thing!
I pray this episode blesses you!
Jamie, xo.
Let’s figure out what’s NOT working in your schedule so you can have MORE TIME to do the things you love!!
Book Your 1-1 Time-Management Coaching (60 min):
Got a question? Leave a message for Jamie and the show on SpeakPipe:
Join the FREE Facebook Community:
Become an Insider & receive my weekly newsletter:
Listen to these episodes next:
19 | LIVE COACHING CALL // How to Stop Distractions in Your Work Block and Build Your Coaching Business with Melissa De La Cruz
15 | The #1 Reason You're FAILING at Time Management
14 - Toddler DROPPED Their Nap? 5 Ways to STILL Get Work Done So You Can GROW Your Business as a WFHM
11 - Laundry and Dishes Piling Up? You NEED This 15-Minute Home Management Routine
07 - Learn #1 Way to Organize Your Time and Stop The Overwhelm With This Time Management Method
13 - How to Save 15 Minutes in Your Work Block! Get Your Daily, Weekly and Monthly Tasks Done Without Stress

Monday Jun 03, 2024

Hi friends! Do you wish you could know exactly what to do, and when to do it when working on your business?
Are you trying to get organized inside of your work-block to grow your business but find yourself feeling behind or not knowing what to focus on first?
Have you got to produce social media content, building a coaching offer or course and want to find time to grow personally and professionally - but you get distracted with new ideas?
So EXCITED for you to listen in to this live coaching call with Melissa as we build strategies to do just that and create her daily tasks for her work-block inside of her time-blocking schedule.
But there's more...
In this 1-hour Coaching Call we DIVE DEEP into:
Removing distractions to grow your business and utilise distraction free tools for social post creation
Streamlining and structuring a weekly time blocking schedule for tasks specific to Melissa’s work block to build her coaching business
Weekly content creation plan
Lead magnet revamp and creation ideas
First step and strategy to bring in NEW 1-1 clients
How Project Blocks work inside your time blocking schedule to make progress on your big ideas
How to have time for Time for courses and growth in business and personal life
Buffer time in your schedule to keep flexibility and stop stress to make more impact in your work
Melissa's website:
I pray this episode blesses you!
Jamie, xo.
Let’s figure out what’s NOT working in your schedule so you can have MORE TIME to do the things you love!!
Book Your 1-1 Time-Management Coaching (60 min):
Got a question? Leave a message for Jamie and the show on SpeakPipe:
Join the FREE Facebook Community:
Become an Insider & receive my weekly newsletter:
Listen to these episodes next:
15 | The #1 Reason You're FAILING at Time Management
14 - Toddler DROPPED Their Nap? 5 Ways to STILL Get Work Done So You Can GROW Your Business as a WFHM
11 - Laundry and Dishes Piling Up? You NEED This 15-Minute Home Management Routine
07 - Learn #1 Way to Organize Your Time and Stop The Overwhelm With This Time Management Method
13 - How to Save 15 Minutes in Your Work Block! Get Your Daily, Weekly and Monthly Tasks Done Without Stress


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